1. Describe:
Sapoche is a delicious and nutritious fruit. In addition, the bark, leaves and green fruit of the tree are also used by folk folk to treat diarrhea, digestive disorders, stop bleeding, prevent tooth decay, and clear urine. Other names: Sapoche, Sapodilla, Jam Cage
2. Nutritional:
Sapodilla contains a variety of chemical components, including: Seeds containing xyanhhydric acid and 23% fatty oil. Green fruits and resins contain plastic gum, which contains 1.7% carbohydrate, 40% plastic, 35% water and some other substances. Young bark contains some alkaloid, tannin and saponin
In 100 grams of ripe sapodilla fruit contains calories 83 mg, protein 0.44 g, fat 1.10 g, fiber 1.40 g, calcium 21 mg, iron 0.80 mg, phosphorus 12 mg, potassium 193 mg, sodium 12 mg, beta -carotene (A) 60 IU, riboflavin (B2) 0.020 mg, niacin (B3) 0.200 mg, pantothenic acid (B5) 0.252 mg, Pyridoxine (B6) 0.037 mg, vitamin C 14.7mg ...
3. Benefit:
Instant energy replenishment: The high glucose content in sapodilla provides the body with sugar for a few minutes. That's why this fruit is great for those who need extra energy like pregnant women, growing children, and athletes. In addition, with high levels of carbohydrates and essential nutrients, sapodilla offers many benefits for pregnant and lactating mothers.
Prevent constipation, diarrhea: Sapodilla contains more fiber (about 5.6 g / 100 g), reduces the risk of constipation, while also supporting colon cells and increase the ability to fight infections. . Therefore, this is a very effective laxative. Besides, sapodilla also a rich source of tannins and polyphenolic - substances beneficial to the digestive tract. Sapodilla will help eliminate waste, clean the stomach leading to reduced diarrhea.
Antidepressant: Like a sedative, sapodilla helps to soothe the nerves and reduce stress. Therefore, people who suffer from insomnia, anxiety and depression are often advised to eat this fruit.
Helps strengthen bones: One of the health benefits of sapodilla is very rich in calcium. Therefore, it is very beneficial for women with osteoporosis.
Good for the eyes: Sapodilla fruit is a very high content of vitamin A. According to many studies, vitamin A helps improve vision, even in old age. So, to maintain good eyesight, you should eat sapodilla regularly.
Preventing cancer: The antioxidants, fiber and nutrients found in this fruit also help protect the body against cancer. For example, vitamin A protects the body from cancers of the lung and oral cavity
Anti-inflammatory, preventing bacteria: The content of tannins in sapodilla is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory. Besides helping to prevent diseases such as esophagitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis, tannins also reduce swelling and pain. The polyphenol antioxidants found in this fruit help the body fight the invasion of viruses, fight parasites and antibacterial.Vitamin C blocks free radicals that are harmful to the body. Iron, folate, niacin and pantothenic help the digestive system function properly.
Hemostasis: Sapodilla can prevent bleeding in cases of injury. The seeds of this fruit are also used to reduce mosquito bites and insect bites.
4. Production process:
Selecting and receiving raw materials – Soaking 1 – Picking stalks – Soaking 2 – Freezing – Weighing – PA packaging – Metal detection – Carton packing – labeling – Warehouse storage -18 degrees C – Distribution.
5. Product pictures:
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