1. Describe:
Mango is a fruit sweet taste of the Mango genus, consisting of numerous tropical fruits, grown mainly as edible fruit. The majority of species found in the wild are wild mangoes. They all belong to the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. The mango is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, from where it has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics.
2. Nutritional:
- In 250g mango has the following nutrient content: 1,5g protein, 1g fat, 30g carbohydrates, 3g corotenes, 110g vitamin B1, 125g vitamin B2, 90g folic acid, 90mg vitamin C, 30mg calcium, 45mg magnesium , 1mg iron, 295g zinc, 0.5g potassium.
- Mango is full of mineral salts, vitamins and additional energy for the body. Strengthen and foster nerve tissue of muscles, heart, brain and other parts of the body
- The enzymes in mango such as magneferin, katechol, oxidase and lactase have the effect of cleansing toxins in the intestine, creating antibodies to the bacteria that cause disease.
- Mango leaves contain an anti-inflammatory substance magiferin that helps with diuretics and heart support. Mango skin contains 16-20% tamin and also has good magiferine in hemostasis, runny nose, diarrhea, ulcers, rheumatism.
3. Benefit:
Preventing cancer: In nutrition, mango has dozens of polyphenols - this important phytonutrients have antioxidant properties, protecting cells from dangerous DNA that may be the source of many Dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cancer - this has been demonstrated in an animal study, the effect of mangoes as an antioxidant, can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
Boosts immunity: 1 cup of mangoes can provide the human body with 1/4 of the daily amount of vitamin A - an essential nutrient for immune system function (including production and maintenance). activity of white blood cells). Not only that, this tropical fruit is also very good at fighting infections.
Improve skin and hair vitality: The vitamin A in mango plays an important role in the development and maintenance of epithelium on the skin, hair and sebaceous glands, helping the hair follicles to be healthy, thereby Helps hair to be moisturized and healthy. 1 cup of mango also provides the body with 75% of the vitamin C needed for 1 day. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, enhances skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles and prevents skin from sagging.
Prevention of constipation: Eating mangoes regularly is even more helpful than just adding the same amount of fiber. It is important to note, however, that mangoes are high in FODMAPs - contain ferments, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome.
Maintain a safe glycemic index: Sweet foods will improve blood sugar.
Improve eye health: The antioxidants in mango like lutein and zeaxanthin help keep your eyes healthy. Because these two natural ingredients help protect the retina and eye lens, proven to enhance vision, improve vision, reduce glare when exposed to bright light, quickly return to normal. when exposed to bright light. Protect eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays as well as prevent and slow the progression of cataracts and macular degeneration
4. Production process:
Selecting and receiving raw materials – Sorting – Annealing – Soaking, washing 1 – Peeling – Shape cutting – Soaking, washing 2 – Freezing – Weighing – PA packaging – Metal detection – Carton packing – labeling – Storage (-18 degrees C) – Shipment.
5. Product pictures:
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