1. Describe:
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is a perennial herbaceous plant with underground stem that develops into an edible starchy tuber and is used as food and food in Asian countries.
2. Nutritional:
Taro contains a lot of nutrients such as organic compounds, minerals and vitamins necessary for health. This is a food source that provides a lot of fiber and carbohydrates, vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate and minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and copper. . In addition, taro also provides protein for the body but in negligible quantities.
3. Benefit:
Stimulates Digestion: One of the biggest benefits of taro is to stimulate digestive activity in the body. Taro contains about 27% of the fiber you need to get each day from your diet. Therefore, this type of food is very helpful in supporting a healthy digestive system. Taro also helps prevent a number of problems such as gas, bloating, cramps, constipation and even diarrhea. A healthy digestive system can promote overall health and reduce the risk of cancer.
Prevent types of cancer: Taro plays an important role in antioxidant activity in the body and contributes to the prevention of cancer. Taro contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and other phenolic antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and remove dangerous free radicals from the body. Free radicals are dangerous byproducts of cell metabolism and can "turn" healthy cells into cancerous cells. By eliminating these free radicals, this tuber almost completely protects us from dangerous cancers. Moreover, in taro also contains cryptoxanthin with the ability to prevent throat cancer and lung cancer.
Prevents Diabetes: The fiber in taro can reduce the risk of diabetes because they can regulate the release of insulin and glucose. If you need to absorb a necessary amount of fiber for the body, taro is a great choice. In addition, you can control your blood sugar and reduce your risk of diabetes. In case you already have diabetes, foods high in fiber can help stabilize blood sugar.
Beneficial for blood pressure and healthy heart: Taro has a significant amount of potassium, which is one of the essential minerals needed for us to stay healthy and function on a daily basis. Potassium not only facilitates the transport of fluids between membranes and tissues in the body, but also helps reduce stress and pressure on blood vessels and arteries. By relaxing the veins and blood vessels, potassium helps reduce blood pressure and stress on the cardiovascular system.
4. Production process:
Selecting and receiving raw materials – Soaking 1 – Peeling – Soaking 2 – Shape cutting – Freezing – Weighing – PA packaging – Metal detection – Carton packing – labeling – Storage -18 degrees C - Distribution.
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