1. Describe:
Custard apple (North Vietnam called Na fruit) is a fruit tree of the genus Na (Annona) native to tropical America. Double berries, moldy green, almost spherical, 7-10 cm in diameter, segmented, each with a carpel, white flesh, sweet taste, hard-shelled black seeds.
2. Nutritional:
The custard apple contains 72% glucose, 14.52% sucrose, 1.73% starch, 2.7% protid and vitamin C. The leaves contain an amorphous alkaloid, no glucoside, and the green leaves contain 0.08%. oil. Seeds contain 38.5-42% oil, of which fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, hexadecanoic and oleic acids) make up a large proportion. The seeds contain an amorphous alkaloid called anonain. The toxins in the seeds and roots are glycerides and large-molecule acids. Leaves, bark and roots contain hydrocyanic acid. The shell contains anonain.
In 100g of edible custard apple: Energy: 64kcal; water: 82.5g; protein 1.6g; glucose: 14.5g; cellulose: 0.8g; calcium: 35mg; phosphorus: 45mg; vitamin C: 36mg, in addition, na contains a lot of healthy B vitamins.
3. Benefit:
Improves Heart Function: The balance between sodium and potassium in custard apple contributes a lot in regulating blood pressure levels and heart rate. Rich natural antioxidant and vitamin C content can help prevent free radicals from attacking fats and thus prevent the body's cholesterol from becoming harmful. Vitamin C also helps to increase the body's resistance against pathogens. All of these factors have a positive effect on the heart and improve heart function.
Reduces Constipation: Soursop contains a lot of fiber and fiber has been shown to be very beneficial for the digestion and excretion of food in the body. Therefore, custard apple is also effective in relieving constipation. The high fiber content in this fruit helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood. It prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thereby, hindering the formation of cancer-causing cells in the colon and protecting the intestinal lining from exposure to toxic substances.
Good for the brain: In custard apple, there is quite a lot of vitamin B6. This vitamin is very beneficial for brain functioning because it controls levels of the neurochemical GABA. Levels of the neurochemical GABA have been shown to relieve stress, calm excitable nerves, and even treat depression. Therefore, if you want to be good for the brain, eat more custard-apple. In addition, vitamin B6 is even considered to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, so custard apple has an additional effect of preventing parkinson
Cancer prevention: The antioxidants in custard-apple such as some poly-phenols, asimicin and bullatacinare... are considered to be able to help prevent cancer, malaria and worm disease very effectively. In addition, custard-apple has a number of other health values such as protecting against gum infections, increasing appetite, improving skin health, aiding in oral hygiene, improving oral health, relieves fatigue, improves lung health and relieves numbness in the legs. Soursop has also been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of healing ailments such as arthritis, stomach spasms, digestive problems, anemia, hypertension, decalcification, stomach spasms, diabetes and other ailments. other health problems.
4. Quy trình sản xuất
Selecting and receiving raw materials – Soaking 1 – Cutting stalks – Soaking 2 – Freezing – Weighing – PA packaging – Metal detection – Carton packing – labeling – Warehouse storage -18 degrees C – Distribution.
5. Product pictures:
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